
Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Now I remember

Stardate 58010.4 (1-4-2005)

Now I remember why I needed to update the menu for each log entry. The calendar script picked up the entry for 12/29/04 as the last one. Since I am a little more comfortable with Perl now, I went in and wrote a custom sort routine. I agree with Bruce Eckel on the point of learning different programming languages. It's good to do so, just to see how things are approached for issues such as this. With Perl, the sort algorithm can be changed within the call to sort, which I thought was pretty cool. Most other languages require you to implement an override method, or supply a function. It took about 30 minutes, 15 of which was trying to figure out why 12 is greater than 110 (think lexical comparisons).

Today I had a reminder of how the Dilbert comic is based in reality. I can't go into details online, and it was just funny as opposed to being bad.

End of Entry

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