
Friday, January 28, 2005

Fog, smog, or inversion

Stardate 58012.8 (1-28-2005)

Fog, smog, or inversion. I can't really tell which this is, but I miss the sun. I think it's been about a week since I last saw it. I don't mind cold, and in fact I love to sleep under a couple of heavy blankets, which is something that doesn't work very well in the summer. But growing up in the desert means I get a lot of sun, and I miss it when I don't see it in a week.

Thanks to Carl Stark and Mike Gibby, I spent much of Wednesday night/Thurday morning reading PvP archives. I had to be up anyway, because the third grade newspaper had to be printed. 60 pages, double sided, time 3 pages, takes time to print. They had a source for printing it in color, but the source lost access to the printer.

Most of my nights I have something to do and somewhere to go. I have basketball practice on Wednesday night for both Rachel and Patrick. The boys on my team got a little rough. I think I need to get some armbands so that I can enforce the one on one defense. I see why the league insists on it. The tendency is to follow the person with the ball. Now if the other team learns to pass, this could be a problem. But the bigger issue is that the person with the ball gets trapped, and since most of the time they won't pass it, everyone starts to grab and claw for it. Eventually someone gets hurt. So I see the point of one on one, aside from the tactical.

Lori and Bolo, the married wrestlers, were eliminated from the Amazing Race. They were my favorites this season. The common theme this season for getting eliminated is missing a detail. Last week the team to go out missed one, and it happened again this week. I also watched SuperNanny, because someone at April's work told her she needed to see it. It was interesting, and this episode had a child that took three hours to go to bed at night. That bought a few memories back. Rachel was the same way (still is, but she generally sits in her bed and reads now). There was also a boy that talked back and acted up. I would have to agree with the nanny, the parents are treating the kids as adults. Nice show, but I am not sure I want to bother with catching it every week.

The last thing is that I read in the paper Thursday that a group supporting family values is up in arms over Spongebob Squarepants, because he lives a homosexual lifestyle. Gee, all the times I have watched it with my kids, and that NEVER OCCURRED TO ME. People see so many demons in everyday life.

End of Entry

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