
Wednesday, July 09, 2003


Stardate 56070.9 (7-9-2003)

I am almost finished with the perl script to process the hits on the site. When I downloaded the latest log to play with, I noticed a few new hits since redoing the site. Then I noticed they didn’t’ go anywhere but the three links under the first menu. I guessed that the format was confusing. Carl Stark confirmed it when I asked him. I made few changes that should help. So much for being an avant-garde. ;)

Participating the Clearfield parade was fun. Rachel said she had a lot of fun, and Thomas was not happy about it until we got started. When he saw all the people waving and yelling at us, THEN it was fun. 

The BBQ after was good. Tonya Wright put out a ton of food. Galaxy Quest was put in the DVD player, and we went through the special features. I might have to rent or buy the DVD just to see how long I can stand the movie with Thermian dubbing. The planet scenes were filmed in Goblin Valley. The family was there on Easter, so Rachel recognized some of it. 

I walked to Layton Commons Park to watch the fireworks. They did a good job this year. Thomas loved it, except he fell asleep halfway through the show. I did get some excellent pictures.

April and Patrick went camping with a friend, Kim, and her son Hans at Tanner Flat the 3rd and 4th. They had a lot of fun, except on the 4th Patrick fell asleep early in the evening. Hans can’t understand why anyone would sleep. Thomas is the same way. Pretty much every weekend he walks into my bedroom and tells me that it’s morning, and I need to get up. I disagree at those times, but when I think about it now, he’s right. Why waste a day staying in bed?

Sunday we went to see Sinbad at The Gateway. It was good, and after we ate at the Samba grill. Then we went down to the other end and played in the Olympic fountains for a couple of hours.
I finished the Harry Potter book. It was good, but it could have been less wordy. I am almost finished with another book called Digital Fortress, by Dan Brown. It’s techno-thriller about a new unbreakable encryption algorithm of the same name, and the National Security Agency’s efforts to prevent it from being used. It’s a good book, and I would recommend it to anyone into these types of books.

 End of Entry

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