
Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I can't remember

Stardate 57050.4 (05-04-2004)

Been busy the last week or so, but I really can't remember with what. There are just a lot of things all jumbled together. Things have changed, as they always do. I moved to the third floor at work last Thursday. All I had to do was pack things in a box, and someone came to move it. I worked from home that day, and when I came in the next day, the guy who had my cube before what frantically packing. No one had told him he was moving, although it was posted on the wall in the breakroom. The new space is claustrophobic and noisy compared to the old place. In talking with a couple of guys tonight, most people have moved 4 to 6 times since they have been there. I moved into the building in 2000, and this is the first move so far.

I have spent far more time than I would like trying to convince some clients that not all problems they have are the server engines' fault. They want to believe the problem is there, despite my presenting a chain of logic that points somewhere else. I have the same problem with developers. The symptoms say there is a bug in a set of routines, but some refuse to believe it unless I walk them though the lines one at a time.

April has started day shifts now, and I started with 4 ten hour days. It's been nice to have the extra time to complete tasks, instead of hurrying with them. Thomas has been going to daycare for the last week. Most of that time, he has been crying his eyes out. Today, April told me the people there told her that he had been laughing and playing all day, and he didn't want to go. I hope this is a turnaround for him.

Saturday was a killer. Out of the house by nine, we had a soccer game, soccer pictures, another soccer game, more pictures, and more games. The kids and I never even had time to stop for food. They did great, especially Rachel, who subbed for some missing kids and played games the whole day. We got home again around six.

The power went out last week, and the router refused to respond. After a few days dinking around with it, it started working again. The wireless network card still refused to connect to the Internet, but I can see the desktop shared folders. I am going to try and reinstall the drivers on the laptop. The best part is I can connect my work laptop to the router, and go through the VPN to work. Much faster than dialup.

The Simpsons:Hit and Run is popular with the family. I reached level 2. There is a race with Comic Book Guy, where he says "We don't have deflector shields, you know" when you hit something, and "Full impulse!".

As I said, the impression is that I did a lot this week, but I can't remember right now.

End of Entry

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