
Friday, July 02, 2004

Patrick Learned to Ride a Bike

Stardate 57070.2 (07-2-2004)

Patrick learned to ride two wheels tonight. After about a couple of weeks of my teaching him, April had him doing it in about ten minutes. After that, he would not get off the bike.

We are in a quandary over the cats. Patrick is allergic, and the doctor suggested we get rid of them. The dog is tolerable. The problem is one of the cats, Smokey, is almost 15 years old. She does not get around much anymore. The other, Frisky, could go back to the people that gave him to us. At the time, they were living in an apartment, but they have since moved into a house. Smokey is also very attached to Frisky, and would probably go bananas without him.

I took a little time to wander the web this week, and found this site. I study history for fun, and Pre-Imperial and Imperial Rome are a favorite time period. Anyway, what struck me was the SPQR. A line from one of my favorite books, "Lest Darkness Fall" by L. Spague De Camp, came to mind. The book is about an archeologist who falls from the 1930's Rome to the 5th century. He spends his time making a new life, and becomes involved in preventing the Dark Ages, and gets embroiled in the politics of the time. He is observing the invading Byzantine army, and notices the banner, SPQR. The line is "An army of Huns, Goths, and Greeks, commanded by a Macedonian who works for a Thracian Slav who doesn't even rule the city of Rome, calls itself the army of the Senate and People of Rome, and sees nothing funny about it". Good book, if you can find a copy, I recommend it.

Cassini is in orbit around Saturn. The images are blowing the minds at NASA. It's good to see a successful mission. NASA has been taking a lot of heat for failures.

End of Entry

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