Stardate 57062.2 (06-22-2004)
Another while between blogs, but at least it wasn't a month. I think of all sorts of things to write about during the day, but when I get to the blog, it all goes away. And it doesn’t help that I have been very busy at work and home, and don’t feel like getting in front of a computer at night, not even to play games after sitting in front of one at work all day.
The MountainCon meeting last month was tense, to say the least. The mailing list exploded Much of it was irrelevant to the goal of getting a regular Sci-Fi convention in Utah, and it caused at least one person to drop out. On the brighter side, I added a new blog to the list of ones I check up on.
Last Tuesday was a Primary Election day. I got a call about a week before asking if I intended to vote. I told them no. I had thought that it was a Republican primary, and only those registered with the party could vote. I wondered after the call if I misunderstood. It turns out that no, I did not, but if I wanted to affiliate with them, I could vote. No thanks. I also noted on my new registration card that my party affiliation changed from independent to “UNAFFILIATED”. Personally, I liked independent better.
I am now a registered developer with Microsoft Developer Network (aka MSDN). I refer to it as I am now a minion of Microsoft (to borrow a phrase from the recently deceased ex-Pres, "the evil empire"). I'm not an MS basher, but they do some annoying things. For example, they take a known programming concept (iterators) and give it a new name. Bad, but common for market-driods. But then they use a name close to another existing concept (enumerators, where the existing concept is enumerated constants). It's kind of like Ford or GM making a new mini-van, and insisting on calling it an SUV.
Rachel has expressed a desire to see Hillary Duff in concert. Blink, and everything changes. Not really, but it seems that way. I noticed in the last six months she is no longer interested in cartoons, and instead watches “Lizzy Mcquire” and “Even Stevens”. She is spending a lot of time in her room listening to her boom box. Pre-teen, here we come.
I took the kids fishing Sunday. We didn’t catch anything, not that I expected to. I can’t get the kids out early enough. Patrick did pick up casting after about one half hour of practice, and he could send the lures just about anywhere he wanted. Rachel got bored after about an hour and a half. She didn’t throw a tantrum, though, but just expressed a desire to go home.
We have also learned that Patrick is allergic to dog and cat hair, as well as grass. All of which we have in abundance. I am not sure what we are going to do at this point. Patrick has suggested we get rid of the older female cat, Smoky. I explained that it wouldn’t help. He may just have to live with it.
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