Stardate 57081.5 (08-15-2004)
Halfway done with the weeding. I've let it go a little too long. The sticker plants are making new stickers, and some have been dropped. I was hoping to get rid of them completely. False hope, I know. Weeding is like Romans fighting barbarians. You keep winning, but they keep coming back. At least I can't see a Teutoburger Wald scenario happening. The emperor Augustus was said to roam his palace in Rome (pun intended) late at night shouting "Publius Quinctilius Varus, give me back my legions!"
Which reminds me of something else I was mulling over a few weeks ago. I read an alternate history book called "Lion's Blood" by Steve Barnes. In it, the Muslim blacks control the southeastern US, the Vikings the northeast, the Indian nations the west, and the Aztecs the southwest. In the manner of such books it does not give a detailed history of events. What it does tell about is that Socrates did not drink hemlock, but escapes to Egypt. Alexander lives a long life and becomes the new Pharaoh. Hannibal defeats and sacks Rome. This is what gave me pause. Hannibal was a general in the second war between Rome and Carthage. Who won the first? There's no answer, and this bothers me.
April is working a couple of graveyard shifts this week because the tech that normally works is stuck in Orlando. His flight out Friday was cancelled by hurricane Charly. The airport took a beating, and they were still cleaning debris Saturday.
Rachel went to a birthday sleepover with her friends from school on Thursday. She brought home some cupcakes. Saturday the boys noticed them, and asked her if they could have them. She said yes, and I heard Thomas say the Rachel was the best person in the world. I found that funny since most of the time he is angry at her for being around.
We are supposed to be transitioning the kids into going to bed earlier to prepare for school. I dropped that idea because it seems to be a lot of hassle for little gain. Besides, in talking with one of the moms in the neighborhood, when school starts, the kids won't be playing much with each other due to school and all the other activities they are involved in. So I've been letting them stay up until ten. I'll probably regret it come the 25th.
End of Entry
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