
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

6 digits

Stardate 57083.1 (08-31-2004)

Whoo-hoo, I finally reached a goal. As of close of business yesterday, the value of my 401K passed 6 digits to the left of the decimal. I've been watching it inch up, fall back a bit, and inch up again for the last month and a half. As to why this was a goal, one: it's a nice round number that is big. Two, a seventh grade U.S. history teacher kept emphasizing one hundred thousand as a magic number, beyond which things started to happen. I remember being annoyed because he seemed to talk more about his finances than history. I was and still am interested in history. I got into a few disagreements with him over things he taught wrong. But that was a while ago (1978), and that amount was worth more. But it still feels good.

End of Entry

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