
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

No more Enterprise

Stardate 58020.2 (2-2-2005)

Yes, I was planning on continuing the New Orleans experience. Today, however, has not been a banner day. If I had a mood indicator, it would be unhappy, bordering on depressed. Work was its usual frantic self. "We need things done in a hurry." A program that is run every month, and has been running fine, suddenly developed weird behavior. Most of the morning was spent working out that the config files had been messed up. I barely had time to find that out before heading out to a memorial service. The husband of a friend that has helped me out a lot with coaching soccer succumbed to a brain tumor last week. Patrick is good friends with his youngest son. I had met him a few times, and he was a good guy. The service was very well done, but it is a rememberance of someone who is no longer here and leaves me feeling sad. Coming home, I jumped on the network at work to finish what I was doing. Waiting for a transfer, I caught up on the news. The first thing on a number of Sci-Fi news services is that UPN has dropped Star Trek: Enterprise. Damn. As I write this now, though, it may not be a bad thing. This opens the possibility of the show being picked up by another network with more market penetration. The fourth season has been excellent so far (which reminds me that I have fallen WAY behind on my reviews). I wish this had been the third season. The Xindi arc had a few good shows, but overall I was not impressed. Being out of town, and N.O. not having a UPN affiliate that I know of, and not having the opportunity to watch anyway, I missed "Babel One". I enjoy going to the viewing parties at the Stark abode, but other things keep preventing me from getting there. I now need to make it a priority. I then went through the blogs page (which has also developed some bad behavior), and read some new entries from Rory Blyth. As a work on the problems of the blogs page, and do some updates of the site as a whole, I think he will be dropped. His "new format" consists of whines, why aren't you paying attention to me, and a sad tale of his life to date. Not interested.

End of Entry (consisting of a single rambling paragraph)

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