Rachel and Patrick went to Science Day at school on Tuesday. It sounded pretty interesting. Rachel’s comment when I picked her up was that we needed to move because we were in an earthquake zone and all the houses were built on sand. She eventually got onto some of the other things they showed the kids. Electricity was one, including what sounded like a Van De Graff generator, and other static electricity devices. Patrick primarily talked about the cars they had set up do demonstrate pedestrian rules. He was apparently ticketed while both driving a car and walking.
I spent most of the week working from home because the van developed problems. While driving it on surface streets, the engine would just quit. If you shifted back into neutral, the car would start right back up. The repair shop traced the problem down to some frayed connectors to the main computer. But with a gallon of regular gas now costing over $2, I’m not complaining.
The Amazing Race 6 starts November 16. The number of TV shows worth watching is adding up.
End of Entry
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