
Sunday, October 10, 2004

Decisive Battles

Stardate 58100.7 (10-07-2004)
Decisive Battles on the History Channel is TV program I found I like to watch. I've always been interested in history, especially military history. And something about computer animated soldiers act strangely just appeals to me. It was kind of funny to watch a Roman scout in the battle of Cynoscephalae (say it with me very slowly, SIGN-a-SEF-a-LA) back up towards the Greek spears in a jerky manner. Computer AI has advanced, but still has a way to go. Cynoscephalae, which is Greek to everyone meaning "Dog's Head", is the battle between two military styles, the older phalanx of Alexander the Great and the new Roman legion. I knew such a conflict had taken place, and the Romans had won, but not where or when. Alexander's descendant, Phillip V, lost the battle, and his bid to rule all of Greece. It was interesting to learn that the victory came about because the Roman squad leaders could change the tactics of the men they led. Next up is The Bitter Villager's favorite queen, Boudicca. 

Spaceship One won the X-prize. I didn't know they were that close. I also thought it had to be a three man shot. Anyway, congratulations. It's a good thing to see someone get into space. 

Patrick went to cub scouts. He definitely likes it. They made some neckerchief clips and a flag for the den. I listened to some of the older kids as they went over basic geology, and it does sound like it will be worthwhile.

I've been reading some of the spoilers on season 4 of Enterprise. It looks to be a good season. I hope it makes it to season 5.

End of Entry

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