
Thursday, October 21, 2004


Stardate 58102.1 (10-21-2004)

Before moving back to the original team, the guy who gave me tasks asked what I liked to do in my spare time. I told him I liked Sci-Fi, and he told me he read Sci-Fi as well. He has not read a paper book in about two years. Every new novel he reads he buys as an e-book on his PDA. If it is not available in that form, he doesn’t read it. It sounds good, in that I would not have to track down the book, or remember what page I was on last. Except I don’t own a PDA, and I don’t think I will for a while. I’ve thought about it. The main issue is that as soon as I get a PDA, it will be outdated. I don’t have to worry about paper books being incompatible. I have yet to find a use for the device. I have a digital camera, and my cell phone stores numbers and if I want, reminders for events. I still use a paper calendar on the fridge to keep track of which kid has hot lunch at school. In short, I haven’t yet justified owning a PDA. Maybe if I could choose from a list of books to read during the moments I am waiting. I guess I could use it to record the blogs, but I don’t speak those out loud, and I tend to stumble over words as I speak. I also edit the entries, mainly reordering the paragraphs to flow better.

Google does have a nice service if you can do text messaging on your cell phone. Google SMS can be used to find definitions, restaurants, residential listing, and other things. Kinda handy if you don't have a phone book or dictionary handy. I tried it for fun, and it came back in a couple of seconds. 
Here’s an interesting idea: a library of e-books. You check it out for a period, and then when that period expires, it automatically dumps from memory. Maybe someone could even come up with a device that looks like a book. It could contact the library via cellular modem, and you could select the book you want to check out, and it downloads it to the ebook. I am sure there is something like this already, I just haven't looked.

End of Entry

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