Stardate 57062.2 (06-22-2004)
Rachel is back from Mexico, several shades darker. She had a great time. I was a little disappointed she did not practice her Spanish.
Almost finished the deck out front. It has a few flaws, but not a bad effort. I am annoyed because I have been using composite materials for the deck. Home Depot has now pulled the stuff in favor of vinyl decking. I can see where this stuff would be even less maintenance, but it looks plastic, and it comes in brown, and I like the gray color of the composite. So the railing materials will need to be special ordered, which leaves no room for experimenting. Aside from that, it's been fun.
250,000 people showed up for the air show on that Saturday, and another 200,000 on Sunday, according to the papers. The weather was about perfect, 75 degrees and a light breeze. The Thunderbirds were impressive as usual. We watched them again from the house on Sunday. That was a closer view, but you couldn't see what maneuvers they were doing. I didn't get around to touring the planes because of the long lines, but the only one I was really interesting in seeing inside was the AWACS plane. The WWII planes interested me, but you don't get to see inside of one, so I was not unhappy to miss them. Years ago, the Confederate Air Force did a small show at Layton Hills Mall. There was not many people there, so one of the guys let me sit in the cockpit of an ME-109 (primary fighter for the Germans in WWII). I was amazed at how small it was (and I was much thinner then), and that you could not see over the engine.
I finally got Visual Studio .NET at work. The thing took five days and reading of hundreds of messages in Google groups to install. I had to clean things out of the temp directory, shut down the virus and personal firewall software (which is tricky and of course, AGAINST corporate policy), and uninstall and reinstall several OS components. Definitely the most touchy install I have ever done (including a Linux 6.2 install).
We took my dad out for dinner on Father's Day. I spent some time talking to him while the kids played with my sister. I don't get a chance to do that very often.
This morning I got a short adrenaline boost. There was an accident near the I-215 interchange. I saw some smoke and everyone was suddenly shifting over to the right. I was far back and to the right enough to easily avoid running into anyone. Not sure what happened.
I just caught up with the FanConCom messages. A strange realization came to me as I read them. I am thinking a lot more in business terms than I used to. Terms like ROI and IOI kept popping into my mind. Eek, I am falling into the dark side.
End of Entry
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