
Saturday, March 27, 2004


Stardate 57032.7 (03-27-2004)

April got the supervisor job. So at the end of April (the month) she starts working days. I will start working 4 ten hour days.  That way we can cut out one more day of daycare. We had planned to do something like this when Thomas went to school, but the opportunity came up now, so she grabbed it. Thomas goes into pre-kindergarten next fall anyway.

It looks like Patrick has the chicken pox. Little red blisters are slowly spreading over his body. He was vaccinated against it, but that only works in 80% of the kids. So he gets to sit in our bed and play video games and watch TV. My thumbs are aching from playing Jedi Power Battles so much.

The warm weather seems to have clued people in that spring is on its way, therefore I have quite a few more soccer registrations. The games start next Saturday.

End of Entry

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