Stardate 57031.5 (03-15-2004)
Thursday the developers were called to a meeting. The gist of it was that we were required to off shore at least some work to keep up with everyone else. The manager did a financial analysis that showed it cost more to off shore than to keep stuff here. She was told that she did not add in the saving for cubicles, computers, phones, and space. Since we are supposedly not getting rid of the current staff, how do they figure we are saving that? I guess that they are counting new FTE’s. She was also told it didn’t matter what it cost they were doing it. Anyway, I was told once again that the engine would not be off shored. I was kind of hoping it would.
April was sick Friday, so I worked from home. It’s interesting having a conference call from the grocery store where I was picking up her prescriptions.
Rory Blythe posted an entry in his blog about how a large percentage of aliens look like humans. The examples given were Romulans, . The comments included some of the exceptions, such as Species 8472 and the Shadows of Babylon 5. No one mentioned the most common non-humanoid alien in TOS, the cloud of sparkles. I was surprised by the number of Trekkers that read his blogs. They responded, and my final response was that we love to argue with mundanes.
It was nice Saturday to not have to worry about getting to basketball. Soccer is on its way, though. There was a letter asking for volunteers to help run the organization. April thought it was to wishy-washy, and that it should have stated outright that if we don’t get help, the league will cease to exist.
Yay! I’m Lt. (j.g.) now. It took longer than I thought. I have to work harder on Lt.
Sunday was a chance to clean up the backyard. Rachel helped, but it was hard work. It was nice to get out and exercise, though, even though I’m a little stiff today. I’m not done yet, not by a long shot. I meant to do some computer work as well, but I was just too tired.
Almost done reading “The Da Vinci Code”. It’s a good book, and I recommend reading it. One little snort of amusement was that Nicholas Flamel was listed as a former head of a secret order. The name also shows up in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, where I thought it was the authors invention. I’ve only read one other Dan Brown book, “Digital Fortress”. It was even better, probably because it was more technology oriented. Those are hard to find.
Thomas told me tonight that he was holding "Star Trek meetings" with his friends because they want to build a spaceship.
End of Entry
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