Stardate 57031.8 (03-18-2004)
Reading through the last entry, I realized I didn’t finish some of it. I stopped at one point to check on what I was talking about, and never came back to it. Too many other things came up, and I just posted it as is. Well, it wasn’t that important
Bruce Eckel posted a long diatribe about generics in Java. Most of which I would have to agree with. Sun’s approach does not make things much easier. Of course, I view this from a C++ background, and I found generics and the Standard Template Library very useful.
Tuesday was the division quarterly meeting. The new head has changed the format to look less at the financial details. The rest took on the same arrangement. Moving to new technology, yada, yada, yada. Not that I mind change, but I’d like to participate in the change. Something the new head mentioned did strike me. She told everyone that communication was fine; the problem is understanding what is communicated. Thinking about it, I concur. I don’t understand my place in all the changes, and I hate not understanding. One thing missing was the recognition awards. I have a bad attitude about them anyway, so I don’t care.
So Wednesday I played hokey from work, and did more in the yard. I’ve almost got the entire garden area cleared of grass. I talked to the next-door neighbor about her delivery of a new washer and dryer. I mentioned that ours was getting noisy and taking 3 hours to dry a load of clothes. She offered to switch her old one with us. It works much better. I contacted all the U-6 soccer coaches, and started updating the roster. Last weekend I was working on a Windows program, and I found buttons and labels kept disappearing from the design. I updated SharpDevelop from version .95 to .99b, and this fixed that problem. Patrick came home from school excited that he had received an award for 1-20 numbers (I was not sure what that was, but it was still great). All in all it was a productive day.
Today I noticed Mike Gibby put a link to this site. His blog entry “Most Illogical” was fun to read. I remember practicing the same Vulcan attitude throughout high school. I was never harassed much, mostly ignored. A large part of the time I felt as though I did not exist. I did go to my 10-year reunion, and was surprised that people remembered me. I skipped my 20 because I had already planned on being out of town.
End Of Entry
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