
Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Stardate 58110.2 (11-02-2004)
Following the election returns on MSN, I found this paragraph:
"All 435 seats in the House of Representatives, where Republicans hold a 227-205 edge over the Republicans, with one Democratic-leaning independent and two vacancies in Republican-held seats, also were up for election."
I had to read this three times before I started to laugh. Are the Democrats now in such a minority that the Republicans need to divide themselves? In the rush to get news out, I guess they missed correcting this.

Patrick caught strep, so I stayed home today. This is getting to be a trend. I didn't get over to vote until 6 PM. I had planned on waiting a while, but when I got there, the district I was in had no one there. The other district had a line out the door. I took the boys with me as Rachel had a soccer game. We were in and out in 8 minutes. Thomas ask me when I was going to vote as we left. I chuckled and told him that was it, I was done. I've since found out that locally, almost nothing I voted on went the way I voted. Amendment 1 was the only one that passed I voted for. I did vote for the incumbent for House of Representatives. Strange, though, I didn't used to have such a liberal outlook.

End of Entry 

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