
Thursday, November 04, 2004

Mulan DVD

Stardate 58110.4 (11-04-2004)
We purchased the Mulan Special Edition DVD. Mulan is my favorite Disney movie. It came out when Rachel was 2 ½. She had been to a few movies before, but this one stuck with her for a long time. She saw it four times in the theatre. The second time I took her by myself. I can still picture the night. We went on a Friday night. Rachel had been looking forward to it for the whole week. At the movie, she told me not to be scared, but the bad guy was coming. I must have acted out scenes with her for the next six months. I have to admit, I still love the scene of the Hun army coming over the pass. I still laugh at parts.

The special edition had a few deleted scenes, and some music videos. It does have a trailer for Mulan II, which is due out in 2005. The other extras seem to point out that they creators had a hard time with the beginning. They had five, but I liked the one they ended up with. The videos included a version of “Make a Man Out of You” sung by Jackie Chan in Chinese as he swings a quarterstaff around. Not really interesting.

End of Entry

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