
Monday, February 23, 2004


Stardate 57022.3 (02-23-2004)

One of the things that occurred to me about blogging the way that I do is that I have to finish the blog the same day. I can't enter something and leave it for a few days. This is because the Perl script builds the calendar by the name of the file, which is in the form sd.htm. This is a good thing, for the reason that I often start things, and never finish them. I think I need to pattern more things in my life similar to this blog, where I have to finish it before moving on to something else.

The new CIO had an all hands meeting today. I actually like this guy. Not sure why, but maybe it was the effort he made to get to know us. He did the normal things, such as talk about how we need to dedicate ourselves to helping the company succeed, etc. It's hard to buy into that considering I'll be lucky to get any acknowledgment no matter how much effort I put into it. The comment that surprised me was an answer to the inevitable question on training. He keeps up with trends by reading blogs. Past people in this position discouraged time spent browsing the Net. I'll take this as encouragement.

I thought of another project. It involves another blog, based on a comment form, that I can use to keep technical notes. I probably won't get it going, but I'll put the thought down just in case.

Rory Blyth is feeling better and blogging again. He posted a link to a Indian in Bangalore, saying it's harder to hate when you see they are human beings, too. I don't think I every doubted that these people are not out to take jobs away. They just want to make a living. There are some I like and respect. Others, such as the liaison, are just annoying. That's more to do with his personality than where he comes from. What I don't like is the attitude of the execs that think only in terms of stock price and savings. I think about the Looney Tunes cartoons that explained the basic capitalist ideas: Put money into a business to make it better, which increases profits, which are funneled back into the business. It seemed clear and simple when I was young, but it has gotten cloudy now.

Eric Gunnerson is also not OOF. He posted a link to an XP magazine series by Ron Jefferies I think I'll keep an eye on. I could learn a few things. Of course, every time I look at the name I wonder if Ron is any relation to the late Matt Jefferies. Chris Brumme has also posted a couple of articles. He posts about once every two months, but when he does, it goes on for 10 pages or more.

End of Entry

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