
Sunday, March 20, 2005


Stardate 58032.0 (3-20-2005)
Update on the work front; after two days of training, the new guy quit. I am not sure what happened, whether I overwhelmed him or he just got a better offer, but he is gone. I did take a little advantage of it. On Thursday I called in sick and slept for almost the whole day. Since then my energy is back up. 

Friday I picked up Thomas from school and headed over to the Smart Style in the Riverdale WalMart to get haircuts for both of us. I was careful to explain exactly what I wanted with Thomas, since the last time he complained I had him shaved bald. He turned out fine this time. There was a miscommunication with my haircut, though. When she asked if I wanted it trimmed the same length, I thought she was referring to the back and sides. I was corrected when she shaved a row on the top, but it was too late. I have a buzz cut now. It is different, but there are some advantages. No bedhead hair, and no combing. April continues to laugh when I bring the subject up.

Dani Hancock introduced the idea of having dinner at the monthly Ticonderoga staff meetings. It was a good meal, although since it is Lent and I am not supposed to have meat on Fridays, I skipped a lot of it. I am not Catholic, but my kids are, and I try to make a good example even if they are not around. I still forget from time to time. Anyway, I liked the concept, since a few always headed out to dinner after the meetings. 

Saturday was a banner day. We went into the storage room and cleaned it out. It took four trips to the dump with a fully loaded van. Thrown out were a lot of college textbooks that both April and I had, some old blankets, and empty boxes. The space is usable now! You can actually walk in the room. I need to wire a light and switch in there. I also replaced the ceiling lights in the office with ones that won't fall, and took down the playset in the backyard. The next challenge is to build a new, bigger playset. We also got rid of Patrick and Thomas's bookshelf. It was mine for about twenty odd years. I found out trying to tear it apart that it had a good, solid construction. But it was not meant to climb on, which is what the boys did, and it was starting to collapse. 

The Ticonderoga lost the trivia challenge that night with the Kelly. I am not surprised since we did not ever practice. I had a good time, though. 

My dad has a hematoma where the surgery was done. He is headed back to the hospital tomorrow for a few hours so they can check it out. It is probably nothing more than him being to aggressive with the physical therapy. It's a little setback. He is doing well otherwise. 

Finally, after weeks of asking, we bought a trampoline. It is almost set up. I lack a 7/16" long socket wrench, or almost any wrench that size. I have a short one, but it will only screw the nut on about halfway. So off to an auto parts store tomorrow. 

End of Entry

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