
Monday, January 17, 2005

National Treasure

Stardate 58011.7 (1-17-2005)

Been a busy week and weekend. I can't go into much detail, sufficed to say that adding a feature after a software development cycle is done, and not expanding the development and testing is asking for trouble. It's not bad as far as the product release goes, but there was a lot of extra work put in for it. So the last two weekend were high stress.

I've also discovered that .NET 1.1 is very stingy about resources when you try and run multiple copies of the same program. It seems like Microsoft is not exactly clear on multi-tasking yet. I might try a few things in 2.0 to see if the same issue exists.

Basketball went well, although there is a lot of work to do with the boys there. It was the first game, so I don't expect that they can absorb everything about playing the game, much less as a team. One boy is pretty good, and I noticed the other team was getting a little rough with him toward the end of the game. I did laugh when my team finally got a basket, and then were so busy congratulating each other that they failed to notice the other team running to score again.

We went to see National Treasure Sunday. It was an ok movie. I sat next to Thomas, who was bored with the movie, so I didn't get into it. It seemed to stretch the envelope of belief for me. Patrick wants to see Star Wars: Episode III now (and I mean today) after seeing the posters. I keep trying to explain that it is not out yet. It's hard to tell if he just does not understand, or he is trying to annoy me. I am thinking the latter.

End of Entry

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