
Saturday, January 10, 2004


Stardate 57011.0 (01-10-2004)

The number of issues I have this month is way up. I have done about 40 this month, when the norm is 15. January is usually busy, but there have been a bunch of new methodologies. I did manage to get some breathing room Friday afternoon.

I read Bruce Eckel's weblog about hiring interns, and what a dismal failure it was. It was interesting that he examined it in the light of being having criticized others of doing similar things. He makes the point about the general Dilbert pointy haired boss. Techies often have the opinion management is there to impede them. Sometimes that is true, but on the whole it is not. I tried managing once, and I didn't do very good. I have learned a lot since then, but I don't think I would try again in the corporate environment.

An old colleague of mine stopped by. He worked with me about seven years ago. He showed me some of the stuff he had been doing. It makes me feel out of date. So I am giving some serious thought to a suggestion Brady made at the BBQ about creating a PDA version of the ship website. The idea has many pitfalls, but it might be fun to research. The biggest obstacle is that I have no idea what the end result would need to be.

Mike Gibby wrote in his blog about comparing yourself to the person you were ten years ago. In 1994, I was single, and pretty much a Total Geek. Now I am a husband and father. A lot has gone on in that time span. I am involved in things such as coaching kids that I would have never dreamed of in '94. The biggest change is that I am more confident and comfortable with who I am. One thing that has not changed is that I still feel the need to learn more. So to answer the question, would the '94 you be pleased with the '04 you, I can say with confidence "Yes!".

I did some rearranging and updates to the menu. I disabled some dead links, and removed the frequent visits page for now. I found that there was only one link on there I was using, and I would go to other options for links. There are still things to change, but I need to get away from the computer and into life for awhile.

End of Entry

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