The solar eclipse was today. There has been a lot of anticipation of the event and we are in the path of the total eclipse. The city of Scottsbluff warned everyone that gas might be short because of all the people coming to watch. That didn't really happen although there were a number of people on the path. I was lucky as I could just go out into my back yard and watch. I set up a camera to record it. I cut up one of the eclipse glasses we bought to cover the lens. I strapped the whole thing down with a couple of bungee cords so it would not shake.
I also tried to set up the old phones we have as cameras, along with the Kindle. That didn't work as well because I had trouble controlling the cameras and they would not stay where I set them.
I created a time lapse of the whole video. It is jerkly because I needed to adjust the camera to keep the sun in view (stupid rotating earth).
The moment of the eclipse was awesome.