
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

End of July

Stardate 60073.1
Man, I can't believe July is over. It seems like only last week it was the Fourth.

My brother Verne came over from Indianapolis to visit with his wife, daughter, her husband, and their son. We only got to see them a couple of times in the week they were here.

Soccer has begun again in earnest. Between Patrick and Thomas, practices are two or three times a week. Patrick had a tournament in Logan last week. The team did very well, losing only one game. The team they lost to was the same team they played in the championship and beat. I missed all but the last game, but the other team was pretty good. I heard this was their first time in a tournament,

My brother Verne and his family came for a visit. We didn't have much time to spend with them, but I did get to see his daughter and grandson.

Thomas went to scout camp at Camp Kesiel. Only one other scout from the den went up, but the had fun. Thomas had trouble cocking the BB gun, and the group all laughed as the bow slipped out of my hands and the arrow went up in the trees. It was overcast and not too hot. The theme this year is cowboys.

The boys and I went to see the Simpsons Movie. It was very good. One of the few movies I can remember thinking 'it's over already?'

End of Entry

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


We went camping last weekend in Logan canyon. Friday was nice and fairly cool. That night I woke up in the middle of the night to some of the most bright and beautiful stars I have seen in a while. Saturday the boys and I went fishing on the upper 1st dam. We didn't catch anything except trees. We could see the fish; they just were not interested in the bait we offered. I am thinking of adding some flies to the box, they might have gone for that. April and Rachel hiked up to a cave, and we both arrived back at camp within minutes of each other. As the afternoon wore on, the heat got too much, and we packed up and left.

Last Thursday was a lesson in not playing soccer in sandals. I knew that already, I just didn't expect to be asked to help coach. It was fun all the same, and I only broke half of one toenail on my big toe.

Not reading anything at the moment. I am looking forward to 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' on Saturday.

End of Entry

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Corner.js looks pretty cool, if I can find the time to play with it. I also found a new accordion widget I'd like to play with.

Catching up on my reading list: I've reread 'Killer Angels', and read 'Rebel', 'Copperhead', and 'The Good That Men Do'. I don't have a new book yet.